Familie Esposito
  • Relatienummer 2255443
  • Familie Esposito
  • Maastricht
 Stuur een bericht
Startdatum 26-10-2025
Locatie Bij gastouder
Flexibel Ja
Kinderen Jongen - 3 jaar
ma di wo do vr za zo
ochtend - - - - - - -
middag - -
avond - -
nacht - - - - - - -

looking for a gastouder

We are an expat family and our son Matias was born here in Maastricht.

Matias speaks Italian and a little Dutch. He also understands Spanish.

We are looking for a gastouder who is able sometimes to pick up Matias at school and spend some time with him until we finish to work. We are work shifter and sometimes we might need to make some schedule change but we are able to communicate that well in advance.

Locatie is een benadering en niet het exacte adres